1st Week in Japan
Date: March 09, 2014
Companion: Elder Mecham
Mar 9
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So my first week in Japan has been awesome! Lots of work to do in Moiwa! It is also very cold. There is so much snow here it isnt even funny. we could skii down the streets if we wanted to. The people here are always ver busy with work and work and work, so it is very hard to have someone talk to you for very long at all. So my short and simple statements I can make are fantastic for them. I have only taught one real investigator lesson, and the other 10 have all fallen through. But that is ok cause I got a lot of extra practice at housing.
Our appartment in Moiwa is a lot nicer and bigger than I thought. We have a study room, a room for sleeping,a washer and dryer, a large shower, a good sized closet, the only thing that kinda sucks is the kitchen and even that is not bad. So we are very blessed here. I am rooming with one other companionship. Elder Inouea and Elder Palomaki. Elder Inouea is Nihonjin and Elder Palomaki is Finnish. We all get along very well and all the missionaries here are very nice. I am very happy.
I might not send back my snow pants considering some parts of the Island can get a lot colder than Sapporo so we will see. I will try to send you all cool food while I am here cause most of it is fantastic. It is so hard to not buy food all the time cause everywhere smells good.
We are not riding bikes yet cause there is still too much snow. But I am buying my bike today and hopefully I will get a Cannondale or specialized so it will last my whole mission with no repairs needed.
I bore my testimony on sunday, and although it was short and sweet, I still could see that the people loved me:) The church truly is the same everywhere. Even down to the same crazy people:p
So I have a little challenge for all yall! President Bednar challenged us to do this at the MTC. Buy a little pocket sized cheap BoM and label the spine with a topic, Preferably a topic from PMG, and only highlight that topic when you read about it. If you choose the atonement first, your book will be highlighted everywhere and you will come closer to Christ. It is an awesome promise from Elder Bednar.
I love you all! Send me pictures!
Elder Swenson
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