Monday, March 24, 2014

4th Week in Japan - 12 Weeks

3rd Week in Japan

Date: March 24, 2014 
Companion: Elder Mecham

Ethan Swenson

Mar 23 (9 days ago)
to me
The house has completely changed! That's crazy! And snap good thing I am writing a letter to Emily this week. And when I sit at Honbu waiting to email we write or talk so it is a good time filler. I am doing good. I am starting to get into the real swing of the mission lifestyle so I am starting to get tired all the time. It is super hard to stay awake in some lessons cause I dont know what is going on and usually people keep the insides of their houses really warm cause the outside weather is super cold.The food is still really good, but they dont have cheese on anything here. They dont sell it either. The cheese they do have isnt real and doesn't taste the same.I got rid of the faux hawk cause I wear a beanie most of the time.
That is hilarious that you are already part of the mission mom group. Have you seen the facebook page we have for the mission? You should check it out and follow it. They update it pretty frequently and you can see a lot of pictures.
Ok so I have requests of thing that I need. I need my retainers cause my teeth are moving a lot and I dont like it, american toothpaste, The music sheets for somewhere in time music, and if you could send parmasean cheese that would be the icing on the cake:)
Yes we really do take our shoes off as we enter every house, and sometimes we put on slippers for guest that they have in order to enter. Weird Japanese customs are:
1. You say before you eat, I will!
2. People do not let you shovel their snow. Apparently they consider it their workout or they just think the snow is theirs and they wont let you touch it.
3. No one talks on buses on their phones or to other people. It is normally very quiet and crowded.
4. Yes we do sleep on futons on the floor and it is awesome i love them. I dont know what sleeping on a bed would be like anymore.
They do have traditional buildings here and they look so kool. But the modern look here is way kool as well. The are square houses made of concrete and have lots of stainless steel.
I love you and miss you too I am having lots of fun and love testifying about you all!
Elder Swenson

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